Description of this workshop

The TweetMySprint Retrospective is a fun and original retrospective format inspired by the social network Twitter.

Participants are invited to tweet about various aspects of the previous and next sprints, each associated with a hashtag.

  1. #happy: Tweet to express positive feelings about the previous Sprint.
  2. #thanks: Tweet to thank one or more people for what they did during the previous Sprint.
  3. #sad: Tweet to express discomfort or something that went wrong in the previous Sprint.
  4. #fast: Tweet about a tip, a piece of technology, someone, etc., in short, something that helped you go faster during the previous Sprint.
  5. #slow: Tweet to mention something that slowed down progress during the previous Sprint.
  6. #improve: Tweet about a possible area of improvement for the future sprint.
  7. #risk: Tweet about a potential risk for the upcoming Sprint.

How to run the TweetMySprint Retrospective

The workshop generally takes place in 4 steps:

Step 1: Presentation of the workshop

The facilitator presents the workshop's goal and sequence to the participants.

Step 2: Sharing Tweets

For 5 to 10 minutes, participants tweet according to the 7 proposed hashtags.

Step 3: “Like” tweets

Once all participants have shared their tweets, they are invited to place 5 likes on the most relevant tweets.

Step 4: Reflection and selection of improvement action

Based on the three most-liked tweets, participants brainstorm up to three improvement actions.