Description of the workshop

The Team Decision Matrix is a tool to help teams define how to make decisions in specific situations, inspired by the Delegation Poker workshop in Management 3.0.

When using this tool, you will have the option to choose from 5 different levels of decision-making for each decision you wish to process. These levels are explained below:

  1. Unanimity (All): This level requires all team members to agree and reach a consensus before the decision can be made;
  2. Democracy (Majority): The decision will be made by a majority of the team members, typically through a voting session;
  3. Sociocracy (Some): This level allows some of the team members to make the decision after consulting with those who have knowledge of the subject or are involved or likely to be affected by the decision. It is also called consent decision-making.
  4. Aristocracy (One): Only one member of the team can make the decision, with the responsibility fully delegated to them.
  5. Randomly (Dice): Any decision is acceptable, as long as a decision is made to move forward.

How to fill in the Team Decision Matrix

Step 1: List the decisions to be discussed

To start, make a list of the decisions for which you need to establish responsibility levels. This task can be done in advance by one team member, usually the leader, or collaboratively at the beginning of the workshop.

Step 2: Determine the appropriate decision level

For each decision, discuss as a team the appropriate decision level. Take the time to precisely define the scope of the targeted field of responsibility in order to prevent any ambiguity. Above all, you will prevent team potential errors in the future functioning of the team from occurring.

Once the decision level has been decided, place the star in the corresponding box in the matrix.

Step 3: Take a step back

Once you have placed all the stars in the matrix, it is crucial to take the time to ensure that the defined decision levels are consistent with each other. 

Additionally, in order to streamline the functioning of the team, it is important to delegate as much as possible. Therefore, make sure that the number of decisions that require the involvement of the entire team is optimal.